Education Development Trust
How the programme works
These materials outline how Education Development Trust’s coaching and mentoring programme works.
Overview of the core induction programme (PDF, 212KB, 2 pages)
Overview of blocks (PDF, 415KB, 20 pages)
Overview of sequence (PDF, 374KB, 13 pages)
Year 1: Autumn term
Establishing a positive climate for learning
In this module you’ll learn about teaching your pupils how to behave in your classroom, setting clear expectations and reinforcing these with consistent routines.
How pupils learn
In this module you’ll gain an understanding of how the brain works, and how you can then design more effective learning for your pupils.
Year 1: Spring term
Developing effective classroom practice
In this module you’ll focus on the fundamental techniques you can use to become a more effective teacher.
The importance of subject and curriculum knowledge
In this module you’ll learn practical ways to develop your subject and curriculum knowledge.
Year 1: Summer term
Assessment, feedback and questioning
In this module you’ll work on developing effective assessment and feedback practices.
A people profession
In this module you’ll focus on developing strong professional relationships to build the best outcomes for your pupils.
Year 2: Autumn term
Embedding a positive climate for learning
In this module you’ll look at what motivates pupils so you can develop a really purposeful learning environment.
How pupils learn - making it stick
In this module you’ll consider how you can make new learning stick over time so that pupils remember what they’ve been taught.
Year 2: Spring term
Enhancing classroom practice - grouping and tailoring
In this module you’ll enhance your teaching effectiveness by learning advanced group and pair working skills.
Revisiting the importance of subject and curriculum knowledge
In this module you’ll focus on how you can use your in-depth understanding of the subjects you teach to strengthen your pupils’ knowledge.
Year 2: Summer term
Deepening assessment, feedback and questioning
In this module you’ll build on your existing knowledge to develop further practical ways to hone your assessment, feedback and questioning techniques.
Continuing your professional development
In the final module you will learn how professional development can help you improve your practice.