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Autumn week 3

Mentor materials

Discussion - deconstructing and integrating the learning from the training session with an expert colleague

Duration: 60 minutes.

We recommend attending this week’s training session with an expert colleague for reference.

Use these discussion prompts to deconstruct the training session and help your ECT to understand how the expert teacher supported pupil learning and helped them achieve success.

Key questions and talking points

  1. Share your thoughts on how the demonstration has shown you how you could encourage pupils to be more intrinsically motivated.
  2. What were the strengths of the demonstration?
  3. What further questions would you have for the teacher?
  4. How can your learning from this demonstration feed into your own practice?
  5. Reflect on your learning from both training sessions this half term. What will you now integrate into your own practice?

Consider the identified area for development and discuss how your ECT can integrate and apply what they have learnt in their practice.