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Related Early Career Framework strands

Classroom practice

4.2 Effective teachers introduce new material in steps, explicitly linking new ideas to what has been previously studied and learned.

4.3 Modelling helps pupils understand new processes and ideas; good models make abstract ideas concrete and accessible.

4.4 Guides, scaffolds and worked examples can help pupils apply new ideas, but should be gradually removed as pupil expertise increases.

4.5 Explicitly teaching pupils metacognitive strategies linked to subject knowledge, including how to plan, monitor and evaluate, supports independence and academic success.

4a. Using modelling, explanations and scaffolds, acknowledging that novices need more structure early in a domain.

4c. Removing scaffolding only when pupils are achieving a high degree of success in applying previously taught material.

4f. Starting expositions at the point of current pupil understanding.

4h. Using concrete representation of abstract ideas (e.g. making use of analogies, metaphors, examples and non-examples).

4i. Narrating thought processes when modelling to make explicit how experts think (e.g. asking questions aloud that pupils should consider when working independently and drawing pupils’ attention to links with prior knowledge).

4k. Exposing potential pitfalls and explaining how to avoid them.