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Summer week 3

Mentor materials

Discussion - developing the sequencing of teaching and learning in a scheme of work

Practice focus




To have developed the sequencing of teaching and learning in a scheme of work


During the online study materials, your teacher was asked to sequence the essential concepts, knowledge, skills and vocabulary in their scheme of work. They were given the following points to guide them:

  • Begin to organise the content (concepts, knowledge, skills) into a logical order
  • Identify where you will be introducing new content (including new vocabulary)
  • Identify the explicit links to draw between this new content and the core concepts and principles in the subject (i.e. pupils’ prior knowledge and the big ideas of the subject)
  • Identify assessment opportunities

They were then asked to:

  • Formulate learning objectives to be achieved across the scheme of work
  • Begin to estimate the time it will take to teach each learning objective (an objective could run over a number of lessons) - Plan in assessment opportunities

Review and discuss their teaching and learning sequence.

Praise, probe and set precise actions

The following practise should be focused around the outcomes of the probe and precise actions, so that it is specific to your teacher’s developmental needs. However, below are some practise ideas based on the online study content to support you if needed.

Plan and practice ideas

Work with your teacher to improve their teaching and learning sequence.

Key questions and talking points

  1. Will pupils master foundational knowledge and the knowledge required for later content?
  2. Is the flow of the curriculum logical and coherent?
  3. Do the learning objectives ensure that pupils’ thinking is focused on the key ideas within the subject?
  4. Is there enough time for the content to be well-taught, e.g. enough time for pupil practice and formative assessment?
  5. If assessment opportunities are identified, is the purpose of the assessment clear? Is the approach to assessment efficient?