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Related Early Career Framework strands


6.5 High-quality feedback can be written or verbal; it is likely to be accurate and clear, encourage further effort, and provide specific guidance on how to improve.

6.6 Over time, feedback should support pupils to monitor and regulate their own learning.

6.7 Working with colleagues to identify efficient approaches to assessment is important; assessment can become onerous and have a disproportionate impact on workload.

6h. Focusing on specific actions for pupils and providing time for pupils to respond to feedback.

6i. Appreciating that pupils’ responses to feedback can vary depending on a range of social factors (e.g. the message the feedback contains or the age of the child).

6m. Working with colleagues to identify efficient approaches to marking and alternative approaches to providing feedback (e.g. using whole class feedback or well supported peer- and self-assessment).

6n. Using verbal feedback during lessons in place of written feedback after lessons where possible.

6o. Understanding that written marking is only one form of feedback.

6p. Reducing the opportunity cost of marking (e.g. by using abbreviations and codes in written feedback).