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Related Early Career Framework strands

Adaptive teaching

5.1 Pupils are likely to learn at different rates and to require different levels and types of support from teachers to succeed.

5.2 Seeking to understand pupils’ differences, including their different levels of prior knowledge and potential barriers to learning, is an essential part of teaching.

5.3 Adapting teaching in a responsive way, including by providing targeted support to pupils who are struggling, is likely to increase pupil success.

5.4 Adaptive teaching is less likely to be valuable if it causes the teacher to artificially create distinct tasks for different groups of pupils or to set lower expectations for particular pupils.

5.6 There is a common misconception that pupils have distinct and identifiable learning styles. This is not supported by evidence and attempting to tailor lessons to learning styles is unlikely to be beneficial.

5.7 Pupils with special educational needs or disabilities are likely to require additional or adapted support; working closely with colleagues, families and pupils to understand barriers and identify effective strategies is essential.

5a. Identifying pupils who need new content further broken down.

5c. Working closely with the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) and special education professionals and the Designated Safeguarding Lead.

5d. Using the SEND Code of Practice, which provides additional guidance on supporting pupils with SEND effectively.

5e. Adapting lessons, whilst maintaining high expectations for all, so that all pupils have the opportunity to meet expectations.

5g. Making effective use of teaching assistants.

Professional behaviours

8.5 Teaching assistants (TAs) can support pupils more effectively when they are prepared for lessons by teachers, and when TAs supplement rather than replace support from teachers.

8.6 SENCOs, pastoral leaders, careers advisors and other specialist colleagues also have valuable expertise and can ensure that appropriate support is in place for pupils.

8g. Seeking ways to support individual colleagues and working as part of a team.

8h. Communicating with parents and carers proactively and making effective use of parents’ evenings to engage parents and carers in their children’s schooling.

8n. Understanding the right to support (e.g. to deal with misbehaviour).