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Summer week 3

Mentor materials

Discussion - pre-teaching key information

Practice focus




To have planned for and practised pre-teaching key information.


During the online study materials, your teacher was asked to identify pupil(s) who would benefit from a pre-teaching session based on their understanding of the pupils they teach. They were then asked to create a rough plan for a pre-teaching session to be delivered in school by themselves or an additional adult, or to send home for parents or carers to deliver using the following points:

  • Identify the next lesson or topic where you think pupils will benefit from pre-teaching
  • Identify pupil(s) who will benefit from pre-teaching either based on their prior knowledge or your understanding of their needs
  • Identify key vocabulary or facts to include in the session
  • Plan how you, an additional adult or a parent or carer will deliver the session
  • Are there resources available that you could use?

Review and discuss this plan.

Praise, probe and set precise actions

The following practise should be focused around the outcomes of the probe and precise actions, so that it is specific to your teacher’s developmental needs. However, below are some practise ideas based on the online study content to support you if needed.

Plan and practice ideas

Work with your teacher to adapt and amend their current pre-teaching plan. When doing this, consider asking following questions:

  • Why have you chosen the pupils you have? How did you utilise formative assessment to identify their needs?
  • Why have you chosen that vocabulary or those facts?
  • How will this support pupils during the lesson?
  • How could you utilise a TA for these sessions?
  • Where could you find well-designed resources to support pre-teaching sessions?

Key questions and talking points

  1. What does high quality teaching encompass? Why is it the first step in supporting all pupils to succeed?
  2. What is adaptive teaching?
  3. Why is prior knowledge so important?
  4. What are the benefits of pre-teaching?
  5. How could working with the SENCO support you to support certain pupils?
  6. How can you promote reading for pleasure in your classroom?