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Related Early Career Framework strands

Adaptive teaching

5.1 Pupils are likely to learn at different rates and to require different levels and types of support from teachers to succeed.

5.2 Seeking to understand pupils’ differences, including their different levels of prior knowledge and potential barriers to learning, is an essential part of teaching.

5.3 Adapting teaching in a responsive way, including by providing targeted support to pupils who are struggling, is likely to increase pupil success.

5.4 Adaptive teaching is less likely to be valuable if it causes the teacher to artificially create distinct tasks for different groups of pupils or to set lower expectations for particular pupils.

5a. Identifying pupils who need new content further broken down.

5b. Making use of formative assessment.

5c. Working closely with the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) and special education professionals and the Designated Safeguarding Lead.

5f. Balancing input of new content so that pupils master important concepts.

5h. Making use of well-designed resources (e.g. textbooks).

5i. Planning to connect new content with pupils’ existing knowledge or providing additional pre-teaching if pupils lack critical knowledge.

5j. Building in additional practice or removing unnecessary expositions.

Professional behaviours

8i. Working closely with the SENCO and other professionals supporting pupils with additional needs, making explicit links between interventions delivered outside of lessons with classroom teaching.

8o. Collaborating with colleagues to share the load of planning and preparation and making use of shared resources (e.g. textbooks).