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Related Early Career Framework strands

High Expectations

1.5 A culture of mutual trust and respect supports effective relationships.

1.6 High-quality teaching has a long-term positive effect on pupils’ life chances, particularly for children from disadvantaged backgrounds.

1d. Seeking opportunities to engage parents and carers in the education of their children (e.g. proactively highlighting successes).

Managing behaviour

7.1 Establishing and reinforcing routines, including through positive reinforcement, can help create an effective learning environment.

7.2 A predictable and secure environment benefits all pupils, but is particularly valuable for pupils with special educational needs.

7.5 Building effective relationships is easier when pupils believe that their feelings will be considered and understood.

7c. Giving manageable, specific and sequential instructions.

7e. Using consistent language and non-verbal signals for common classroom directions.

7h. Creating and explicitly teaching routines in line with the school ethos that maximise time for learning (e.g. setting and reinforcing expectations about key transition points).

7i. Practising routines at the beginning of the school year.

7j. Reinforcing routines (e.g. by articulating the link between time on task and success).

Professional behaviours

8.4 Building effective relationships with parents, carers and families can improve pupils’ motivation, behaviour and academic success.

8m. Using and personalising systems and routines to support efficient time and task management.