Induction tutor materials
Duration: 90 minutes
- Reflect on the effectiveness of the strategy or approach the early career teacher (ECT) implemented in training session 10 by considering the intended outcomes and success criteria set.
- Understand that embedding habits into teaching practice requires planning and practice.
- Plan how the strategy or approach implemented could be scaled, for example by applying it to other groups or sharing it with colleagues.
- Understand some of the features of high-quality professional development for educators.
- Reflect on areas for future professional development.
These resources provide information to support the session plan options below:
- Education Endowment Foundation (EEF): Putting Evidence to Work - A School’s Guide to Implementation
- Education Endowment Foundation (EEF): Metacognition and self-regulation
- Department for Education: Influence of Teachers’ Reflective Practice on Classroom Teaching and Learning Process
- University of Rochester: Self-Determination Theory and the Facilitation of Intrinsic Motivation, Social Development, and Well-Being
- East: Four simple ways to apply behavioural insights
- Teacher Development Trust: Developing Great Teaching: Lessons from the international reviews into effective professional development
- Department for Education: Standard for teachers’ professional development
Session structure
Welcome and recap (5 minutes)
Provide a relevant recap on previously taught content, particularly training session 10 which focused on delivering change.
Set up the norms for this session.
Evaluating impact (20 minutes)
You could:
- ask ECTs to reflect on the progress they’ve made implementing change and developing their practice
- recognise the strengths and weaknesses of the strategy or approaches they’ve implemented
- assess the extent to which their implementation achieved the desired outcomes and success criteria they outlined
- ask ECTs to share their strategy or approach in pairs or groups, and discuss how far their implementation impacted on and achieved their proposed changes in behaviour and practice
- ask ECTs to share any research and evidence they engaged with critically that has helped them to reach this decision
Embedding practice (20 minutes)
You could:
- ask ECTs to consider how their strategy or approach may need to be adapted or developed further before it’s embedded into their practice
- explore strategies on how to implement changes in behaviour, as well as thinking and maintaining positive habits
- reflect on the progress made during their induction and training: recognising strengths and identifying next steps for further improvement
- ask ECTs to consider how they can scale their practice so it can be applied to other groups they teach, or shared with colleagues to develop their practice
Effective professional development (20 minutes)
You could:
- introduce the concept of effective professional development over several years as a teacher
- highlight that research often underpins effective professional development
- include information about how professional development can look very different depending on several factors (including school policy), but will be iterative, research-informed and specific
- explore the main underlying principle to all forms of professional development: it should support a positive change in habit formation in relation to improving teacher practice
- explore how to maintain positive wellbeing, such as ways to manage workload, and networks of support available inside and outside of the school while engaging in professional development
Action planning and next steps (20 minutes)
Provide ECTs with time to consolidate and reflect on the learning from the session.
ECTs could:
- identify specific next steps they’ll take to implement their learning
- analyse the successful components of previous implementation plans which have helped them to embed new teaching habits
- commit to actions to support embedding a further habit as they transition to take more ownership of their professional development in their school and beyond
- consider what professional development they might need as they continue to improve their teaching practice after their ECF-based induction and training
Opportunities for further professional development can be found in the directory of subject associations.
Related ECF strands
ECF ‘Learn that’ statements covered:
ECF 'Learn how to’ statements covered:
Develop as a professional by:
- 8b. Strengthening pedagogical and subject knowledge by participating in wider networks
- 8c. Seeking challenge, feedback and critique from mentors and other colleagues in an open and trusting working environment
- 8d. Engaging critically with research and discussing evidence with colleagues
- 8e. Reflecting on progress made, recognising strengths and weaknesses and identifying next steps for further improvement
Manage workload and wellbeing by:
- 8o. Collaborating with colleagues to share the load of planning and preparation and making use of shared resources (such as textbooks)
- 8p. Protecting time for rest and recovery