Induction tutor materials
Duration: 90 minutes
- Know how to work effectively with the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO), other professionals, pupils, parents and carers to identify and support pupils with Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SCLN), autism and dyslexia.
- Understand how to effectively plan and use strategies that support pupils with SCLN, autism and dyslexia.
- Adapt teaching responsively in ways that increase the achievement of pupils with SCLN, autism and dyslexia.
- Work effectively in collaboration with teaching assistants and external specialist staff to support pupils with SCLN, autism and dyslexia.
- Reflect on and share implications on their teaching and on their own development.
These resources provide information to support the session plan options below:
- Department for Education: Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years
- Education Endowment Foundation (EEF): Special Educational Needs in Mainstream Schools
- Department for Education: Special educational needs in England (January 2019)
- The Communication Trust: Don’t Get Me Wrong
- National Autistic Society: What is autism?
- National Autistic Society: Sensory challenges for autistic pupils
- National Association for Special Educational Needs (nasen): Girls and Autism: Flying under the radar
- National Autistic Society: Teaching secondary school autistic students
- National Autistic Society: Pre-school to primary transitions for autistic children
- National Autistic Society: Autism and diagnosis advice for teachers
- National Autistic Society: Curriculum and the Quality of Life Framework
- Whole School SEND: Condition-specific video – dyslexia
- Education Endowment Foundation (EEF): Preparing for Literacy (early years)
- Education Endowment Foundation (EEF): Improving Literacy in Key Stage 1
- Education Endowment Foundation (EEF): Improving Literacy in Key Stage 2
- Education Endowment Foundation (EEF): Improving Literacy in Secondary Schools
Before this session takes place, early career teachers (ECTs) should have the following:
- Exposure to key knowledge from ITT Core Content Framework on relevant sub-standards.
- School input as needed.
- Relevant conversations with colleagues.
The following self-study materials provide context and exemplification:
- Consistency
- Adapting teaching
- Developing pupils’ literacy
- Assessing for formative purposes
- Adapting lessons to meet pupils’ needs
Session structure:
Welcome and recap (10 minues)
Provide a relevant recap on previously taught content. Set up the norms for this session.
Recap training session 1 - Supporting all pupils (10 minutes)
You could:
- review the roles of the SENCO and the designated safeguarding lead (DSL)
- look at how the SEND Code of Practice groups needs into 4 broad areas
- remind ECTs that many pupils with an SEN diagnosis also have SLCN
You could also recap the following content from training session 1 on supporting all pupils:
- understanding primary needs is a useful step in providing provision, but a more detailed understanding of the individual needs of the child is required for action to be beneficial
- the role of teachers and the SENCO in supporting pupils with SEND
- taking a graduated approach to SEND provision
- the tiered support model
Speech, Language and Communication Needs (20 minutes)
You could:
- outline the common difficulties children with SLCN experience and what their needs might be
- discuss working with external specialist staff to identify children with SLCN
- discuss the difficulties in diagnosing pupils with SLCN
- examine the development of SLCN over time
- look at how to support pupils with SLCN using strategies and interventions
Autism (20 minutes)
You could:
- review the definition of autism and the challenges pupils with autism face in the classroom
- look at how to work with external specialist staff to identify a pupil with autism and plan their support
- include some frameworks and strategies
Dyslexia (20 minutes)
You could:
- provide a definition of dyslexia
- discuss working with external specialist staff to screen and identify dyslexia
- describe a dyslexia friendly classroom
- discuss effective strategies, making clear links between the active ingredients of the strategy and how this addresses the identified special educational need
Action planning and next steps (10 minutes)
This section provides ECTs with time for reflection, quizzing, and action steps. You can also look ahead to the next training steps.
Related ECF strands
ECF ‘Learn that’ statements covered
- 5.7. Pupils with special educational needs or disabilities are likely to require additional or adapted support; working closely with colleagues, families and pupils to understand barriers and identify effective strategies is essential.
- 8.5. Teaching assistants (TAs) can support pupils more effectively when they are prepared for lessons by teachers, and when TAs supplement rather than replace support from teachers.
- 8.6. SENCOs, pastoral leaders, careers advisors and other specialist colleagues also have valuable expertise and can ensure that appropriate support is in place for pupils.
ECF 'Learn how to’ statements covered
Develop an understanding of different pupil needs by:
- 5c. Working closely with the SENCO and special education professionals and the Designated Safeguarding Lead
- 5d. Using the SEND Code of Practice, which provides additional guidance on supporting pupils with SEND effectively.
Provide an opportunity for all pupils to experience success by:
- 5g. Working closely with the SENCO and other professionals supporting pupils with additional needs, making explicit links between interventions delivered outside of lessons with classroom teaching.
Meet individual needs without creating unnecessary workload by:
- 5h. Making use of well-designed resources (such as textbooks).
Build effective working relationships by:
- 8f. Contributing positively to the wider school culture and developing a feeling of shared responsibility for improving the lives of all pupils within the school.
- 8i. Working closely with the SENCO and other professionals supporting pupils with additional needs, making explicit links between interventions delivered outside of lessons with classroom teaching.
- 8j. Sharing the intended lesson outcomes with teaching assistants ahead of lessons.
- 8k. Ensuring that support provided by teaching assistants in lessons is additional to, rather than a replacement for, support from the teacher.