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Training session 10 - Implementing change: Deliver

Induction tutor materials

Duration: 90 minutes


  1. Identify a specific strategy or approach early career teachers (ECTs) will use to implement change and articulate the desired outcomes.
  2. Understand the importance of engaging criticality with research and discussing evidence with colleagues to identify the ‘active ingredients’ of the strategy or approach they’ll use.
  3. Plan how they’ll implement the strategy or approach they’ve selected.
  4. Learn that implementing change is a learning process, and it’s important to monitor the impact of new strategies and practices.
  5. Assess the positive and negative impacts that implementing this change would have on the ECT’s workload and wellbeing.


These resources provide information to support the session plan options below:

Before this session takes place, ECTs should have the following:

  1. Exposure to key knowledge from initial teacher training (ITT) Core Content Framework on relevant sub-standards.
  2. School input as needed.
  3. Relevant conversations with colleagues.
  4. A link to the Education Endowment Foundation’s website for evidence-informed guidance for developing pedagogical and subject knowledge.

Welcome and recap (10 minutes)

Provide a relevant recap on previously taught content, particularly training sessions 2 (Responding to challenging behaviour) and 8 (Implementing change: Prepare).

Set up the norms for this session.

Selecting your strategy or approach (20 minutes)

You could:

  • ask ECTs to think back to training session 8 and the specific area they identified to implement change
  • explore the progress they’ve made in that area
  • consider the strengths and weaknesses of the different strategies or approaches they’ve considered to solve the problem they identified and develop their practice further
  • encourage ECTs to share their strategy or approach in pairs or groups and discuss how they decided on this strategy or approach, and how this strategy will help them to address the area of weakness they identified
  • ask ECTs to share any research and evidence they engaged with critically which has helped them to reach this decision

Identifying the active ingredients (20 minutes)

You could:

  • revisit the term ‘active ingredients’, identifying the essential principles and practices that need to be adopted for their strategy or approach
  • ask ECTs to analyse the theory and research which underpins their strategy or approach, helping them to understand exactly how, when and why this strategy or approach could work in their context
  • ask ECTs to identify the activities and behaviours they’ll need to implement and observe when they introduce this strategy or approach

Preparing for delivery (30 minutes)

You could:

  • help ECTs prepare to deliver and implement their strategy or approach
  • encourage them to reflect on policies, practice and routines already in place in their context
  • consider how they can implement change with fidelity to the active ingredients while maintaining their responsibility in supporting the wider school community
  • take time to identify individuals and groups impacted by their proposed changes in behaviour and practice, and consider how they could be engaged and communicated with
  • begin planning the activities and behaviours ECTs will need to implement for their strategy or approach
  • identify specific desired outcomes and clarify what they will be able to observe if their new strategy or approach has been successful
  • identify how the ECT will seek challenge, feedback and critique from mentors and other colleagues

Action planning and next steps (10 minutes)

This section provides ECTs with time for reflection, quizzing, and action steps.

Teachers could be encouraged to identify specific steps they’ll take to implement their learning. These may include:

  • collaborating with colleagues
  • seeking out examples of relevant good practice within their context to use as implementation models
  • sharing their delivery plan with a colleague to seek challenge, feedback and critique to inform their review process