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Year 2

First half-term: inquiry into developing quality pedagogy and making productive use of assessment (part 3)

In this module you’ll look at how to gather evidence about the impact your teaching is having, followed by practical tips on altering your practices to get better results.

Week 1: inquiry progress - considering the fuller range of emergent evidence

There are no self-study materials this week. Instead, you will meet your mentor to discuss one of your development areas.


Use the materials below to consider emergent evidence regarding the ECT’s practitioner inquiry.

View mentor materials

Week 2: the impact your enquiry has had on you

For this topic you’ll need to work through the self-study materials below.

Duration: 45 minutes.

  1. Learning Intentions and Introduction
  2. Research and Practice Summary
  3. Self-Study Activities


There are no mentor activities this week.

Week 3: the impact your enquiry has had on you - planning to present

There are no self-study materials this week. Instead, you will meet your mentor to discuss the impact your inquiry has had on you.


Use the materials below as a platform to discuss the impact their inquiry has had on them.

View mentor materials

Week 4

There are no activities this week.


There are no activities this week.

Week 5: final presentation of module inquiry, and module review

There are no self-study materials this week. Instead, you will meet your mentor to present your findings from this moudle’s practitioner inquiry.


This week the ECT should meet you to present their findings from this moudle’s practitioner inquiry.

View mentor materials