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Self-Study Activities

Review: 10 mins

Read the Research and Practice Summary on this week’s topic. As you read, reflect on:

  1. the practices that you are already doing well
  2. the practices you are doing some of the time but could do more of/more consistently
  3. the practices you don’t use in your teaching yet

Plan: 10 mins

Analyse artefacts

Conn adapted his teaching, and avoided having to produce separate lesson resources, by distributing his attention across the groups he had formed using his Year 12 current assessment data. He was able to teach his class the new concepts they needed. Another way to achieve this outcome is by making adaptive use of a teaching resource.

Think of a lesson that you have coming up, or a topic that you will need to teach soon. Find a single rich resource that you can use to teach your whole class. It might be a textbook or a curriculum resource that already exists in a shared staff area; alternatively, it could be an online resource such as a video or animation.

Theory to Practice: 20 mins

  1. Independent planning

Write a plan for a lesson that will be observed by your mentor (or you can record a 15-minute section of the lesson.) The purpose of this observation is to demonstrate specific targeted support to groups of pupils with the aim of encouraging the learning of the key concepts but without having to artificially produce separate resources or tasks. You will use the single rich resource you found above.

You should think about what you have learned about adaptive teaching, e.g.,

  • how you identify pupils who need extra support
  • how you identify what they need extra support with
  • how you give the extra support, without creating additional resources and tasks but by adapting the single rich resource for all pupils
  • how you might use more intensive pre-teaching, peer-assisted learning, small group discussions or additional homework and questions

Next Steps: 5 mins

Arrange to record 15 minutes of this lesson or for your mentor or another colleague to observe 15 minutes of it. If neither is possible, make sure you write a detailed lesson plan, and then annotate it later with notes on how the strategies you tried succeeded or not.