Learning Intentions and Introduction
Session Elements
- self-assessment
- practical exercise
- discuss with a colleague
- reflection
Learning Intentions for this session
You will learn that:
- Working with colleagues to identify efficient approaches to assessment is important; assessment can become onerous and have a disproportionate impact on workload.
You will learn how to make marking manageable and effective, by:
- Recording data only when it is useful for improving pupil outcomes. - Working with colleagues to identify efficient approaches to marking and alternative approaches to providing feedback (e.g. using whole class feedback or well supported peer- and self-assessment).
- Using verbal feedback during lessons in place of written feedback after lessons where possible. - Understanding that written marking is only one form of feedback. - Reducing the opportunity cost of marking (e.g. by using abbreviations and codes in written feedback). - Prioritising the highlighting of errors related to misunderstandings, rather than careless mistakes when marking.
Last week, you looked at how to give high-quality feedback, taking account of a range of important variables. In this self-study session, you will extend your knowledge of planning effective and manageable marking and feedback. You will consider different approaches that you can draw on and use your learning to evaluate your current practice. You will focus on selecting approaches to assessment which are efficient and do not have a disproportionate impact on workload.