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Summer week 7

Mentor materials

Review of year 1 and planning for year 2

Learning intentions

Your ECT will:

  • Review their participation in and learning from this first year
  • Plan ahead for the second year of their teaching career

Topic introduction

In this final session of Module 5, you will work with your mentee to review their progress this year and to plan actions for the coming year that will continue to develop them as a professional.

Meeting activities

Action planning

Over the course of this module to date, you have been discussing with your mentee aspects of the Module 5 content for this programme. In this final session you should now work with your mentee to draft an action plan which will support them to put into practice strategies through which they can continue to develop as a professional as they move into their second year as a teacher.

To support this action planning process, you could:

  • begin by reviewing your mentee’s progress over the year to date, particularly in relation to the sessions that constitute this programme. Highlight particular successes as well as approaches to their learning which your mentee has found especially fruitful
  • encourage your mentee to use a planning format that works for them. This could be a standard planning document you use in your school or a different approach with which your mentee is familiar
  • check that targets are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound), and that clear action steps are identified to work towards each target
  • refer your mentee back to the notes made in each of the sessions in this module to remind them of what was previously discussed
  • use your knowledge and experience to help ensure that the action plan is sufficiently challenging whilst remaining manageable within your mentee’s overall context
  • recommend that your mentee puts into their diary now a future date on which they will review their progress towards the targets set

Next Steps 5 mins

Agree with your mentee how they will follow up on the outcomes of this session.

There are no further ECT mentor meetings in Year 1. You have now completed Year 1 of the Early Career Teacher programme.