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Self-Study Activities

Review: 10 mins

Read the Research and Practice Summary on this week’s topic. As you read, reflect on:

  1. the practices you are already doing well
  2. the practices you are doing some of the time, but could do more of/more consistently
  3. the practices you don’t use in your teaching yet

As you work through the activities in this week’s self-directed study session and mentor meeting, aim to both refine and extend what you already do well, and to build your skill and confidence in using practices which are not yet a regular part of your teaching repertoire.

Plan and Theory to Practice: 30 mins

1. Reflection

Now repeat the activity in step 1 but with reference to other professional development activities that you have engaged with this year. These could include:

  • in-school activities such as weekly teaching and learning updates
  • external activities supported by your school, such as attendance at exam board training
  • activities you have undertaken in your own time, such as reading relevant literature or attending a weekend conference

2. Practical exercise

Drawing on the Research and Practice Summary for this week, and on your own knowledge and experience of teacher professional development, sketch out a ‘menu’ of professional development opportunities that you think are relevant and useful to teachers in your phase and specialism. You will work further on this exercise in your next mentor meeting.

As you draft your notes, consider:

  • any costs associated with the opportunity (include time and monetary costs)
  • how the opportunity meets the criteria for effective professional development
  • how relevant the opportunity is for teachers in your phase and specialism
  • how easily accessible the opportunity is
  • why you think this is good professional development – how is it expected to improve your professional practice?

Next Steps: 5 mins

Bring your draft ‘menu’ of professional development opportunities to your next mentor meeting. Be ready to discuss this activity with your mentor.