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Learning Intentions and Introduction

Session Elements

  • self-assessment
  • independent planning

Learning Intentions for this session

You will learn that:

  • Effective teaching can transform pupils’ knowledge, capabilities and beliefs about learning.
  • Modelling helps pupils understand new processes and ideas; good models make abstract ideas concrete and accessible.
  • Guides, scaffolds and worked examples can help pupils apply new ideas, but should be gradually removed as pupil expertise increases.
  • Every teacher can improve pupils’ literacy, including by explicitly teaching reading, writing and oral language skills specific to individual disciplines.

You will also learn how to develop pupils’ literacy, by:

  • Teaching different forms of writing by modelling planning, drafting and editing.


In the mentor session in week 1, you conducted an audit against standards 4 & 5 in the Early Career Framework. You should keep your findings in mind as you follow this self-study session.

In this self-study session you will extend your knowledge of effective modelling that enables pupils to access difficult concepts, alongside how you model worked examples to scaffold learning in a way that allows a gradual release of responsibility to your pupils. This session will also consider the importance of repeated practice to ensure that you maximise opportunities for pupils to succeed, through the appropriate level of guidance and support.

You can apply insights from these exercises to examples from your own past experience with pupils, and to future lesson plans.