Spring week 6
Mentor materials
Review the module
Feedback from observation (10 minutes)
If the mentor was able to observe all or part of a lesson of the ECT adapting teaching in the moment, give feedback now. Alternatively, watch the video that the ECT has recorded of their practice or review the reflections from the ECT on adapting teaching in the moment.
Reviewing this module (10 minutes)
Using the final self-directed study activity for this module, ask the ECT to share their reflections on learning across the module. You may want to use some of the following prompt questions:
- How has your thinking / practice changed through this module?
- How has your thinking / practice developed since this time last year?
- What has resonated with you from this module?
Identifying next steps (10 minutes)
Work with your ECT to identify their next steps from this module.
- What are your next steps?
- What resources / support do you need?
- When will you do this by?