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Ideas for observation

Observation focus: explicit teaching

Possible focus during the observation:

  • Record how much time is spent on explicit teaching in the lesson
  • Which of the following techniques does the teacher use during explicit teaching?
  • Examples – what were they?
  • Explanations – was this all teacher exposition or did the teacher use the pupils to develop explanations?
  • Modelling – what did the teacher model? Were these prepared in advance or in response to something which happened?
  • What was the impact on pupil learning from explicit teaching?

Observation focus: supporting pupils to secure knowledge

Possible focus during the observation:

  • Did the teacher move from foundational knowledge to more difficult concepts?
  • How did they assess whether pupils had secured the foundational knowledge?
  • Did all pupils secure the foundational knowledge at the same rate? If not, how did the teacher deal with this?

Observation focus: literacy observation

Possible focus during the observation:

  • How did the teacher deal with tier 2 and tier 3 vocabulary?
  • How did the teacher introduce new vocabulary?
  • Did the teacher do anything specific to address literacy issues in the class?

Observation focus: motivating pupils

Possible focus during the observation:

  • How did the teacher motivate pupils using their subject knowledge?
  • How did the teacher connect and build on prior knowledge?
  • How did the level of the work motivate pupils?
  • Did pupils experience success in the lesson? How was this acknowledged?

Observation focus: addressing misconceptions

Possible focus during the observation:

  • What misconceptions did the teacher anticipate?
  • How did they deal with them?
  • Were there any misconceptions identified during the lesson which weren’t anticipated?
  • How were these dealt with?

Observation focus: sequencing

Possible focus during the observation:

  • Is it clear how this lesson fits into a bigger sequence of learning?
  • How is this made clear to the pupils during the lesson?
  • How does the teacher link the content of this lesson to the big picture of this particular scheme of work?
  • How does the teacher link the content of this lesson to last lesson? What about to their future lessons?

For each observation, write down:

  • who you observed
  • what happened
  • what you have learned from these lesson observations
  • what ideas you will carry on using or try out in your practice